
Hippies in Our Midst: The Rebellion Beyond Rebellion

Author: Delbert L. Earisman

Publication date: 1968

Fortress press

From the cover:

"On the basis of his own experience and participation in their life, the author describes who the hippies are, what they do, what they believe and where they want to go. It gives a history. The movement is distinctly contemporary - but it does stand in tradition. The book tells us about Socrates and Thoreau, about Hemingway and Kerouac, and where the hippies fit in. It raises the questions. The hippies are important not for their numbers or their excesses, but for their eloquent questions - addressed to their square parents, their middle-class upbringing, the violence of their nation, their churches and inherited moral standards. The book forces us to face these honest and deeply serious questions."
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