The Best ofThe TubesInitial release : 2005Collectables This compilation album collects material from the groups Capitol albums.
- Talk to Ya Later (Tubes/Foster/Lukather)
- Sushi Girl (Tubes)
- Amnesia (Tubes/Snyder)
- Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman (Tubes/Snyder)
- Don't Want to Wait Anymore (Tubes/Foster)
- Let's Make Some Noise (Tubes/Foster)
- She's a Beauty (Lukather/Foster/Waybill)
- The Monkey Time (C. Mayfield)
- Tip of My Tongue (Tubes/Snyder/White)
- Sports Fan (Tubes)
Related releases
Many of the songs on this compilation were released as singles and on LP. It is not known if these releases were of different versions of the song. It is assumed below that the single and LP versions were the same.
Talk to Ya Later, Sushi Girl, Amnesia, Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman, Don't Want to Wait Anymore and Let's Make Some Noise are taken from;
She's a Beauty, The Monkey Time and Tip of My Tongue are taken from;
Sports Fan was released only on a single;
- The Monky Time/Sports Fan, The Tubes, 1983
The following tracks on this compilation were released as singles; Talk to Ya Later, Don't Want to Wait Anymore, She's a Beauty, The Monkey Time, Sports Fan and Tip of My Tongue
Two other compilations with the same track list have been released;