The Lion For RealAllen GinsbergInitial release : 1989Antilles / Island Rob Wasserman plays on some parts of this spoken word album. Vince Welnick, credited as Vince "No Problem", is one of the backing vocalists on the CD bonus track.
- Scribble
- Complaint Of The Skeleton To Time
- Xmas Gift
- To Aunt Rose
- The Lion For Real
- Refrain
- The Shrouded Stranger
- Gregory Corso's Story
- Cleveland, The Flats
- The End
- Stanzas: Written At Night In Radio City
- Sunset
- Hum Bom!
- Kral Majales
- Guru
- Ode To Failure
- C'mon Jack (CD bonus track)
- Arto Lindsay
- Beaver Harris
- Bill Frisell
- G.E. Smith
- Garo Yellin
- Gary Windo
- Lenny Pickett
- Marc Ribot
- Mark Bingham
- Michael Blair
- Prairie Prince
- Ralph Carney
- Rob Wasserman
- Steve Swallow
Backing vocals on C'mon Jack:
- Joel "Jet" Tornabene
- Michael McClure
- Prairie Prince
- Ree Styles
- Todd Rundgren
- Vince "No Problem" (aka Vince Welnick)