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The Starry Plough Discography

This is a discography of albums recorded at the Starry Plough in Berkeley.

The Starry Plough is a bar, restaurant and nightclub located at 3101 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley. The Starry Plough has been in business for over 35 years.

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Live, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, 1999

Some of the music on this live release was possibly recorded at the Starry Plough in Berkeley in October 1999. Most of the music was recorded at the Bottom Of The Hill in San Francisco, the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, The Casbah in San Diego and Solar Culture in Tucson.

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Oh, But They're Weird And They're Wonderful, Mushroom, 2002

A limited edition CD of tracks recorded live in the Bay Area between 1999 and 2001. Includes two tracks from the Starry Plough in Berkeley. One recorded on September 23, 1999 and the other on June 14, 2001. Other tracks are from the 7th Note, the Tongue & Groove, Hotel Utah, Brainwash amd Make Out Room in San Francisco.

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Live In The Pagan Lounge, Rosin Coven, 2002

Three tracks recorded live at the Starry Plough in Berkeley. One track recorded live at Tuva in Berkeley. Fiver tracks recorded live at Venue 9 in San Francisco. Two tracks recorded live at Kadens in Haarlem in the Netherlands. Probably in 2001 but uncertain of performance dates.

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Last updated September 2016