San Francisco in the sixties: social, political, geographical, historical |
Haight Ashbury Guide Book, 1967
An 8 page tabloid size publication aimed at 'hippie tourists'. Subtitled "A Necessary Guide to a 21st Century Culture. Home of the Flower Children and the Refuge of Youth"
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The Hippies, Jan Meadoff, Michael Rosenberg, 1967
A 80 page photo-book containing over 100 photographs of the hippie scene in San Francisco. Includes shots of The Grateful Dead.
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The Hippies, Correspondents of Time Magazine, 1967
A collection of articles and photographs surveying the counterculture scene.
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We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us Against, Nicholas Von Hoffman, 1968
A chronicle of the counterculture scene in San Francisco in the mid-1960's.
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Notes From the New Underground, Jesse Kornbluth, 1968
This anthology includes articles about Haight-Ashbury and the Diggers.
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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe, 1968
A 'gonzo journalist' history of the Merry Pranksters.
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Bomb Culture, Jeff Nuttall, 1968
A book that draws links between the alternative lifestyles of the 1960's counterculture and the backdrop of threat of possible nuclear war.
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Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion, 1968
A collection of essays about California in the 1960's. The title essay is about Haight-Ashbury during the 1966-67 period.
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Hippies in Our Midst: The Rebellion Beyond Rebellion, Delbert L. Earisman, 1968
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Confrontation on Campus. Student Challenge in California, Art Seidenbaum, 1969
Interviews with students on 9 college campuses in California.
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The Making Of A Counter Culture, Theodore Roszak, 1969
An examination of the common ground between student radicals and hippie dropouts, their mutual rejection of corporate and technological society and the intellectual backgrounds to the two movements.
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The Human Be-In, Helen Swick Perry, 1970
A personal account of the Human Be-In in the Polo Fields of Golden Gate Park on January 14, 1967.
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Smiling through the Apocalypse;: Esquire's History of the Sixties, Harold Hayes (Ed), 1970
A history of the sixties in the form of 60 articles that were originally published in Esquire magazine.
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The Sign Of The Fool: Memoirs From the Haight-Ashbury, 1965-68, John Simon, 1971
Memoirs of one-time biker who became one of the leaders of the Diggers.
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Love Needs Care: A History Of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, David E. Smith and John Luce, 1971
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The Age of Paranoia: How The Sixties Ended, 1972
A collection of articles originally published in Rolling Stone between 1968 and 1970.
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Hippies of the Haight, Sherri Cavan, 1972
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The Hog Farm And Friends, Hugh Romney / Wavy Gravy, 1974
A memoir by Wavy Gravy with a foreword by Ken Kesey.
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Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960's, William L. O'Neill, 1974
A "chronicle of the 1960s, the twentieth century's most confounding decade."
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Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties, Morris Dickstein, 1975
A review of aspects of American culture in the 1960's.
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The San Francisco Mime Troupe: The First Ten Years, R. G. Davis, 1975
A history of the San Francisco Mime Troupe.
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The Sixties: The Decade Remembered Now, by the People Who Lived It Then, Lynda Rosen Obst (Ed), 1977
A collection of reminiscences of the Sixties, some collected from magazines and books others produced for this collection. Includes contributions from Lou Adler (on Monterey), Myra Friedman, Wavy Gravy (on Woodstock), Dick Clark, Pete Townshend, Bill Graham and Michael Bloomfield.
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Gone Crazy And Back Again, Robert Sam Anson, 1981
Historical summary centred around the San Francisco years of Rolling Stone magazine.
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The Sixties Papers: Documents of a Rebellious Decade, 1984
An anthology of writings from the 1960's. Broad areas covered include the New Left, the anti-war movement, the counterculture and the women's movement.
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The Haight-Ashbury: A History, Charles Perry, 1985
A history of the Haight-Ashbury area of San Francisco.
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Uncovering the Sixties: The Life and Times of the Underground Press, Abe Peck, 1985
A chronicle of the underground press of the 1960's.
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Best of The Realist: The Sixties Most Outrageously Irreverent Magazine, 1985
An anthology of articles originally printed in The Realist.
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The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage, Todd Gitlin, 1987
Part historical, part autobiography, a chronicle of the political and social upheavals of the 1960's.
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Aquarius Revisited: Seven Who Created the Sixties Counterculture That Changed America, Peter O. Whitmer with Bruce VanWyngarden, 1987
Portraits of William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary, Norman Mailer, Tom Robbins, and Hunter S. Thompson plus chapters on Esalen Institute and Berkeley in the Sixties.
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The Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinics, David E. Smith and Richard B. Seymour, 1987 (Partisan Press)
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From Camelot to Kent State : The Sixties Experience in the Words of Those Who Lived It, 1987
An oral history of the decade.
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1968 In America: Music, Politics, Chaos, Counterculture and ...., Charles Kaiser, 1988
A chronicle of the late 1960's.
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What a Long Strange Trip It's Been: A Hippy's History of the 60's and Beyond, Lewis Sanders, 1989
A chronicle of clashes between the counterculture and the political system.
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Haight-Ashbury Flashbacks, Stephen Gaskin, 1990
An autobiographical work about Gaskin's early experiences with telepathy and psychedlics in the Haight-Ashbury area.
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Ringolevio, Emmett Grogan, 1990
A history of the Diggers - a commune which provided food, clothing and more to the needy in San Francisco in the 60s.
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The San Francisco Oracle (Facsimile Edition), 1990
Facsimile printing of the San Francisco Oracle which was published in the Haight-Ashbury from 1966 to 1968.
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The Hippies and American Values, Timothy Miller, 1991
An examination of ethics of hippies in relation to community, cultural opposition, sex, drugs and music and it's legacy on modern society.
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Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties and Beyond, Martin A. Lee, Bruce Shlain, 1992
This work of social history includes discussion of the Acid Tests.
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Something Good For A Change: Random Notes on Peace Thru Living, Wavy Gravy, 1992
A collection of essays.
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Sights On The Sixties, Barbara L. Tischler (Ed), 1992
A collection of essays that provides "a basis for understanding the historical and cultural legacy" of the 1960's.
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Dr. Dave, Clark Sturges, 1993
Subtitle: A Profile of David E. Smith, M.D., Founder of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics.
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Takin' It To The Streets: A Sixties Reader, Alexander Bloom, Wini Breines (Editors), 1994
A collection of articles, essays and extracts from longer works that covers political, social and cultural aspects of the 1960's.
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader, John Storey, 1994
This book includes a chapter called West Coast Rock and America's War In Vietnam.
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The 60's: From Memory to History, David Farber (Ed), 1994
A collection of original essays that attempt to set the 1960's in America into a historical rather than nostalgic context.
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The Movement and the Sixties, Terry H. Anderson, 1996
A history of the many strands of social protest in America between 1960 and 1973.
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On Our Own: Americans in the Sixties, Douglas Miller, 1996
A narrative history of American politics, society and culture during the 1960's.
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The White Rabbit and Other Delights: East Totem West: A Hippie Company, 1967-1969, Alan Bisbort, 1996
A history of East Totem West that includes over 100 illusatrions of posters and other art work.
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Reassessing the Sixties: Debating the Political and Cultural Legacy, Stephen Macedo (Ed), 1996
A collection of essays about the 1960's.
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Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945-1974, James T. Patterson, 1997
This volume of the multi-volume Oxford History of The United States of America covers the 1960's.
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The Spirit of the Sixties: The Making of Postwar Radicalism, James Farrell, 1997
A book that discusses the personalisation of politics at the heart of American radicalism in the sixties.
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The ABC-Clio Companion to the 1960s Counterculture in America, Neil A. Hamilton, 1997
The first subject dictionary on the turbulent 1960s counterculture.
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The Times Were a Changin': The Sixties Reader, Editors: Irwin Unger, Debi Unger, 1998
An anthology of reports, speeches, political statements, Supreme Court decisions, song lyrics, protest statements and more documenting the decade.
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Steal this Dream: Abbie Hoffman and the Countercultural Revolution in America, Larry Sloman, 1998
"A fast-paced and utterly compelling oral history told by the people Abbie worked with, for, and against - from Tom Hayden and Jerry Rubin to Paul Krassner and Timothy Leary - Steal This Dream is the finest social history of the sixties yet written."
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The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, Arthur Marwick, 1998
A large scale work on the 1960's in Britain, France, Italy and the United States which places the social, economic and cultural changes of the decade in historical context.
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The Sixties, Terry H. Anderson, 1998
A social and political history of America in the 1960's.
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Music and Social Movements: Mobilizing Traditions in the Twentieth Century, Ron Eyerman, Andrew Jamison, 1998
"This highly readable book is among the first to link social movement and cultural theory. Building on previous studies, the authors examine the mobilization of cultural traditions and the formation of new collective identities through the music of activism."
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Too Good to Be Forgotten: Changing America in the '60s and '70s, David Obst, 1998
Part autobiography , part political and social commentary of the 60s and 70s.
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Reclaiming San Francisco: History, Politics, Culture : A City Lights Anthology, 1998
A collection of essays and academic studies chronicling the development of San Francisco.
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America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960's, Maurice Isserman, Michael Kazin, 1999
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Festive Revolutions: The Politics of Popular Theater and the San Francisco Mime Troupe, Claudia Orenstein, 1999
An examination of the history and politics of popular theatre and the role of the San Francisco Mime Troupe in that tradition.
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A Fiction of the Past: The Sixties in American History, Dominick J. Cavallo, 1999
A study of 'radical ideas' of the 1960's.
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Hippies From A to Z: Their Sex, Drugs, Music and Impact From the Sixties to ...., Skip Stone, 1999
Hippies From A to Z is an overview of the personalities and events of the Hippy Movement, how they influenced the course of history and transformed American society.
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Sleeping Where I Fall: A Chronicle, Peter Coyote, 1999
Autobiography of the former San Francisco Mime Troupe member and Diggers activist.
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The 60's Communes: Hippies and Beyond, Timothy Miller, 2000
An examination of communal societies in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s.
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The Columbia Guide to America in the 1960s, David Farber, Beth Bailey, 2001
An overview of the sixties in America. The book is in two parts. The first is a narrative of the politics, cultural changes and major events of the decade. The second comprises ten essays that concentrate on specific subjects such as the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement and the sexual revolution.
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Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960's and 70's, 2001
A collection of essays that focuses on the counterculture in America in the 1960's and 1970's.
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Long Time Gone: 60s America Then and Now, Alexander Bloom (Ed), 2001
"This collection looks back at the Sixties, attempting to understand the issues of the day on their own terms and to think about their meanings in today's world. Alexander Bloom has gathered ten original essays, each of which explores the gulf between history and myth regarding a central characteristic of the Sixties."
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The Sixties: 1960-1969, Paul Monaco, 2001
A history of American movies during the 1960's. Explores how the cultural and political events of the decade influenced filmmaking.
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Groove Tube: Sixties Television and the Youth Rebellion, Aniko Bodroghkozy, 2001
"In the 1960s, a handful of primetime television series tried to present the reality of youth culture and rebellion to America via the small screen. This attempt generated controversy, and the resulting media uproar sparked a significant change in the nature of TV entertainment."
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Travelers' Tales San Francisco: True Stories, O'Reilly/Habegger/O'Reilly (Eds), 2002
"In these true stories you will explore the North Beach of the Beat era and beyond with Herbert Gold, discover true romance on a cable car with Michele Anna Jordan, uncover the real Mission district with John Krich, marvel at the city's wild light with Andrei Codrescu, gumshoe through Sam Spade's San Francisco with Don Freeman, and learn what it means to be a "quintessential San Franciscan" with the late Herb Caen."
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The Hippie Dictionary, John Bassett McCleary, 2002
An encyclopedia that examines the language, lifestyle, society, and politics of the era.
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The Counterculture Reader, Editor: E. A. Swingrover, 2003
A collection of essays, memoirs, extracts from longer works, poems and song lyrics that provide an overview of the counterculture movements of the 1960's.
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Haight-Ashbury Sketches, Morris Bassan, 2003
A collection of portraits, reminiscences, satirical commentaries and caricatures based around the people and places of Haight-Ashbury.
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San Francisco in the 1960s, James Barter, 2003
A travel guide to places with 1960's connections in San Francisco.
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The Beat Generation in San Francisco: A Literary Tour, Bill Morgan, 2003
A tour of the locations in San Francisco and stories about various beat characters including Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, Gregory Corso and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
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San Francisco: A Cultural and Literary History, Mick Sinclair, 2003
A guide to the cultural history and geography of San Francisco. Starts with an introduction to the layout of the city then chronicles the cultural history of the city from 1848 onwards.
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The Portable Sixties Reader, Ann Charters (Ed), 2003
A collection of cultural and political writing. The collected essays, fiction and poetry is organised by theme. Thematic subjects include civil rights, antiwar, free speech, drugs, the sexual revolution, the counterculture and the Beats.
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Anarchy, Protest & Rebellion: And the Counterculture that Changed America, Fred W. McDarrah, 2003
"In a work of defiant ambition culled from over 5,000 photographs, Fred W. McDarrah's Sixties presents America's most tumultuous decade through the eyes of one man. As staff photographer for the leading counterculture weekly the Village Voice, McDarrah was everywhere—and he photographed everything and everybody."
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Democracy's Children: The Young Rebels of the 1960s and the Power of Ideals, Edward K. Spann, 2003
In this book, Edward K. Spann looks at the motivations and values of the young rebels of the 1960s.
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R. Crumb: Conversations, D. K. Holm, 2004
"Gathered here are interviews and profiles that span the various periods and events in his life and work, including his early days as a countercultural figure in San Francisco."
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Hippie, Barry Miles, 2004
".... ultimate, beautiful, illuminating, and really groovy look at the 1960s counterculture is rich in illustrations and filled with the history, politics, sayings, and slogans that defined the age."
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Happy Days and Wonder Years: The Fifties and the Sixties in Contemporary Cultural Politics, Daniel Marcus, 2004
A study of modern political usage of nostalgia for the fifties and sixties.
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Counterculture Through the Ages: From Abraham to Acid House, R. U. Sirius, Dan Joy, 2005
""Sirius and Joy identify the distinguishing characteristics of countercultures, delving into history and myth to establish beyond doubt that, for all their surface differences, countercultures share important underlying principles: individualism, anti-authoritarianism, and a belief in the possibility of personal and social transformation."
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Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era, Editor: Christoph Grunenberg, 2005
Summer of Love presents a wide range of visual works by an international selection of artists, all influenced by the aesthetics of psychedelia, alongside a wealth of posters and other ephemera.
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The San Francisco Mime Troupe Reader, Susan Vaneta Mason, 2005
Includes a history of the company and a collection of scripts created and produced by the company over 40 years.
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The Haight-Ashbury: A History, Charles Perry, 2005 edition
A new edition of the history of Haight-Ashbury.
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San Francisco: The Unknown City, Helene Goupil, Josh Krist, 2005
"From the Summer of Love back in the 1960s to the Winter of Love in 2004, when the mayor of San Francisco made the city the center of the nation's gay marriage debate, San Francisco has consistently been one of America's most colorful and offbeat urban oases. From pot dispensaries in the Lower Haight to the nightspots in the heavily Hispanic Mission district to private karaoke rooms in Japan Town, all of San Francisco's hidden nooks and crannies are exposed."
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Harlem of the West: The San Francisco Fillmore Jazz Era, Elizabeth Pepin and Lewis Watts, 2005
"This particular sentimental journey describes San Francisco's Fillmore District in its heyday. The Fillmore in the 1940s and 1950s was an eclectic, integrated, and hopping neighborhood dotted with restaurants, pool halls, theaters, and shops many minority-owned and boasting two dozen active nightclubs and music joints within its one square mile."
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Summer of Love: Psychedelic Art, Social Crisis and Counterculture in the 1960s, Eds: C. Grunenberg, J. Harris, 2006
"The Summer of Love, which accompanies an exhibition at Tate Liverpool, pays particular attention to the wildly creative psychedelic art of the era. Perceptive essays on psychedelic comics, graphic design and typography, light shows, and film successfully rescue psychedelic art from the fog of nostalgia and unjust critical neglect."
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Restaging the Sixties: Radical Theaters and Their Legacies, James M. Harding, Cindy Rosenthal (Eds), 2006
This book includes a chapter about the San Francisco Mime Troupe.
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America in White, Black, and Gray: The Stormy 1960s, Klaus P. Fischer, 2006
An academic analysis of social conflict in the 1960's.
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Broadway North Beach: The Golden Years: A Saloon Keeper's Tales, Dick Boyd, 2006
“Dick Boyd has compiled a series of photos and mini-essays detailing his barkeeping days in the San Francisco area of North Beach–the famed bohemian town that was the stomping grounds of such literary luminaries as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and City Lights Bookstore founder Lawrence Ferlinghetti, as well as many a jazz musician, artist and celebrity."
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The Hippie Narrative: A Literary Perspective on the Counterculture, Scott MacFarlane, 2007
This book examines key works of the literature of the counterculture era and uses them as a method of viewing the period as a whole.
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The American Counterculture, Christopher Gair, 2007
"This introduction explores the relationship between the counterculture and American popular culture. It looks at the ways in which Hollywood and corporate record labels commodified and adapted countercultural texts, and the extent to which countercultural artists and their texts were appropriated. It offers an interdisciplinary account of the economic and social reasons for the emergence of the counterculture, and an appraisal of the key literary, musical, political and visual texts which were seen to challenge dominant ideologies."
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Generation on Fire: Voices of Protest from the 1960s : An Oral History, Jeff Kisseloff, 2007
"In Generation on Fire, both well-known and overlooked political activists speak about their motives and actions during the 1960s through the present. Journalist and popular oral historian Jeff Kisseloff provides a broad and eclectic account of the political activity of the decade, as told by those individuals who led the resistance on numerous fronts: civil rights, the antiwar movement, women's liberation, the environmental movement, and gay rights."
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Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: Haight-Ashbury in the Summer of Love 1967, Barry Klein, 2007
"Barry Klein recounts the 'highs' and 'lows' of his many adventures during The Summer of Love, 1967, as he leaves Detroit for San Francisco to fully experience the hippie movement."
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Sixties Radicals, Then and Now: Candid Conversations with Those who Shaped the Era, Ron Chepesiuk, 2007
"How did the sixties affect the counterculture leaders? And what are they doing now? Paul Krassner, Cleveland Sellers, Jane Adams, Dave Dellinger, Bill Ayers, Warren Hinckle, Peter Berg, Noam Chomsky, Tim Leary, Philip Berrigan, Anita Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Erica Huggins, Jim Fouratt, Bernadine Dohrn, Barry Melton, Peter Coyote, and Abbie Hoffman reflect on the seminal events that dominated the sixties and discuss the major issues and problems facing America (and them!) today."
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Prime Green: Remembering the Sixties, Robert Stone, 2007
"Prime Green explores the 1960s in all its weird, innocent, turbulent, and fascinating glory. Building on personal vignettes from Robert Stone's travels across America, the legendary novelist offers not only a riveting and powerful memoir but also an unforgettable inside perspective on a unique moment in American history."
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Counterculture Kaleidoscope: Musical and Cultural Perspectives on Late Sixties San Francisco, Nadya Zimmerman, 2008
"Counterculture Kaleidoscope takes a close look at the cultural and musical practices of that era. Addressing the conventional wisdom that the movement was grounded in rebellion and opposition, the book exposes two myths: first, that the counterculture was an organized social and political movement of progressives with a shared agenda who opposed the mainstream (dubbed 'hippies'); and second, that the counterculture was an innocent entity hijacked by commercialism and transformed over time into a vehicle of so-called 'hip consumerism'."
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San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, Katherine Powell Cohen, 2008
Though synonymous with peace, love, and living outside the mainstream, its history goes back long before the Summer of Love. Starting as a dairy farm in San Francisco's Outlands, the area saw a building boom of Queen Anne country homes for well-heeled San Franciscans and served as a refuge for victims of the 1906 earthquake and fire. Through world wars, industrial and cultural revolutions, the dot-com boom, and beyond, the Haight-Ashbury has one of the most fascinating histories of any place, anywhere.
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Hippies: A Guide to an American Subculture, Micah L. Issitt, 2009
"This title explores how hippies, and 1960s counterculture in general, developed and influenced popular culture in America. Covering the years between 1961 and 1972, this is the first volume focused exclusively on the emergence, growth, and lasting legacy of hippie culture, on everything from clothing, hair styles, and music to attitudes toward sex and drugs, and anti-war, anti-establishment activism."
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Keystone Korner: Portrait of a Jazz Club, Kathy Sloane, 2011
In this book, more than 100 black and white photographs, a collage of oral histories, and a marvelous CD of recordings from the club chronicle the Keystone experience.
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Remembering San Francisco in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, Rebecca Schall, 2012
With a selection of fine historic images from her bestselling book Historic Photos of San Francisco in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, Rebecca Schall captures in this companion volume, Remembering San Francisco in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, the revolutionary and tumultuous spirit of these historic times in stunning black-and-white photography.
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West of Eden: Communes and Utopia in Northern California, Iain Boal, Janferie Stone, Michael Watts and Cal Winslow (Eds), 2012
"The history and vision of communal living is investigated in a series of essays aimed at explaining just what these communes were, how lives were lived within them, and what their goals entailed."
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Heads: A Biography of Psychedelic America, Jesse Jarnow, 2016
Heads: A Biography of Psychedelic America uncovers a hidden history of the biggest psychedelic distribution and belief system the world has ever known. Through a collection of fast-paced interlocking narratives, it animates the tale of an alternate America and its wide-eyed citizens: black market chemists, the LSD-slinging graffiti writers of Central Park, the Grateful Dead-loving AI scientists of Stanford, utopian Whole Earth homesteaders, government-wanted Anonymous hackers, rogue explorers, East Village bluegrass pickers, spiritual seekers, Internet pioneers, entrepreneurs, pranksters, pioneering DJs, and a nation of Deadheads.
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Witness to the Revolution, Clara Bingham, 2016
"Woven together from one hundred original interviews, Witness to the Revolution provides a firsthand narrative of that period of upheaval in the words of those closest to the action—the activists, organizers, radicals, and resisters who manned the barricades of what Students for a Democratic Society leader Tom Hayden called 'the Great Refusal'."
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The Explosion of Deferred Dreams: Musical Renaissance and Social Revolution in San Francisco, 1965–1975, Mat Callahan, 2017
"The Explosion of Deferred Dreams offers a critical re-examination of the interwoven political and musical happenings in San Francisco in the Sixties. Callahan's meticulous, impassioned arguments both expose and reframe the political and social context for the San Francisco Sound and the vibrant subcultural uprisings with which it is associated."
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The 1960s Cultural Revolution: Facts and Fictions, Joel P. Rhodes, 2022
"Primary source material - both written and visual - is drawn from archival holdings, newspapers, published proceedings, oral histories, and memoirs in order to present a balanced, accessible examination of mistaken beliefs and the historical truths."
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Last updated February 2020 |